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Lace front wigs or front lace wigs, as they are sometimes called, are a variation of Lace wigs. They are extremely popular among our clients and among people who wear wigs in general. Lace wigs can be classified by their mesh appearance that adds a greater realism to your wig. Front lace wigs are so named because the sheer lace that makes up the wig is located in the front part (the part that rests on the forehead) of the wig. These lace frontal wigs are ideal and extremely popular because it will appear as if you have a natural hairline in front, even if you are wearing a front lace wig.

These wigs are extremely beneficial to have. Lace wigs are popular because they look exceedingly natural, and in most cases a bystander would be none the wiser that you have a wig on. However, this does not mean that you can treat it the same way you would your regular hair.

How versatile are front lace wigs?

A front lace wig is very dynamic, and allow you to really play with your style. Lace fronts use lace that falls naturally over the top of your forehead, giving the appearance of a hairline and smoothing the boundary between the wig and skin. But even this amount of lace gives front lace wigs quite a bit of versatility. Even though there is no simulation of a hairline on the nape, lace front wigs can still be worn in a half ponytail, or low ponytail, or side ponytail, just not a high ponytail. This allows for the lace front wig to cover the neckline with a natural look, while still looking completely natural.

Do lace front wigs need to be stored differently?

Good question! No they do not, which is the amazing thing about them. Storing your wigs properly is an essential part of making sure that they always look their best, because when your wig looks beautiful you can guarantee that you are looking dazzling as well. Storing lace front wigs and other wigs as well should never be a difficult task, but it is important that you remember to store them properly so that they remain in peak condition.

How do you store front lace wigs?

Taking proper care of your hair piece is an essential part of making sure that it continues to look amazing and beautiful, and one of the best ways to achieve this is to practice proper storage techniques. Lace front wigs are an investment and as such you want to make sure that they last you for a good amount of time and there is no better way to do that than by practicing proper storage methods. Synthetic wigs do have slightly different cleaning methods and styling methods, but they can be stored in the same manner. So there is no need to worry about the longevity and continued quality of your wig as long as you are storing it properly.

Make sure that your wigs are stored away from contact with direct sunlight, dust and excess heat. These elements do not bode well for the health of your wig, and you want to make sure that your front lace wigs are staying as healthy as possible. It is best to store them in an area where they will come into minimal or no contact with children and pets, who will undoubtedly want to play with your cool wigs!

The manner in which you secure your lace front wigs should also be based on how frequently you use the wig. If it is a wig that you wear often, your best bet is to store the wig on a wig hanger, wig stand, or styrofoam head. When buying a styrofoam head, make sure you select one that is close to the shape and size of your head so that your wig does not warp and become hard for you to wear.

In some cases, you might have a wide selection of wigs, so you will not always be wearing the same ones over and over again. Just be sure to always store your front lace wig in a cool and dust free environment. If you do not have the room for open air storage, you can place your front wig in a plastic bag. Even while in the bag, the wig should be stored in a cool area with free of dust and conditions that way cause mildew. Be aware that using the plastic bag for storage will require just a bit of primping before it returns to the previous style and shape you had it in. If fast prep times are your main priority, wig stands, styrofoam heads, and wig hangers, will assist in keeping holding style from the previous application.

How expensive are lace front wigs?

The price of front lace wigs tends to vary based on the type of wig that it is. Human hair lace front wigs are usually more expensive than synthetic front lace wigs. Our lace front wigs are priced between $240 to $450.

Are lace front wigs harder to clean?

No they are not! The differences in cleaning the wig do not stem from the style of the wig, but rather from the material that the wig is made of. For instance, human hair wigs require much more maintenance (especially after cleaning and washing) than synthetic wigs. If you have a human hair front lace wigs then it will be much harder to clean than a synthetic lace front wig. Luckily for you, if you have one of our lace front wigs, cleaning your wig will not be much of a hassle.

What are the benefits of using a lace front wig?

Front lace wigs are very popular among our clients for many reasons. One of the main worries that people who wear wigs have is the fact that people might notice that they are wearing a wig. There are people who believe that there is a stigma around wearing wigs, but we believe that you should feel confident and beautiful in yourself and in your hair no matter what. Even so, there are still people drawn to wigs that have a more realistic appearance and this is one of the benefits of using a lace front wig. When a front lace wig is being worn properly it is hard to notice that it is in fact a wig. Even when you brush your hair away from your forehead, regardless of whether or not the lace front wig has bangs, it still looks completely natural. The front lace gives the appearance of a natural scalp, so there is not abrupt border between hair and skin.

In addition to this, lace fronts offer their owners much needed style versatility. Due to the quality of the lace cap underneath the wig, you are able to part the wig in the middle without it showing off the base of the cap. Essentially, you can do more with your lace frontal without showing anyone that you actually have a wig on and people love this. Also, front lace wigs are extremely durable thanks to the lace material that is used to manufacture them. Our front lace wigs are also breathable which is something that our clients love. Often times people find themselves sweating profusely when they are using wigs because their hair does not have the space to breathe.

In most people, heat is lost at the crown of the head, so if you have a wig that is not breathable, you will most likely be very, very hot. Lace front wigs do not have this problem, which is why we are sure you will love them.

How long do front lace wigs last?

The longevity of your lace front wigs are usually determined by the material that they are made of. Synthetic lace front wigs can last up to a year if they are maintained properly. The quality choices of synthetic wigs that we have available can last well over a year if you follow our tips for caring for your lace front wigs.

We offer the best lace front wigs

Lace wigs are generally much more popular than other forms of wigs and the same holds true for their variations. Our clients love front lace wigs because of the natural look that it gives, and this makes it much easier for them to adjust to wearing wigs. It is important to realize that not everyone is super comfortable with the idea of wearing wigs because they feel as if there is some type of stigma attached to it. If anyone tells you that, pay them no mind. We are here to promote self love and that means that you should love you hair whether it is a wig or not, be proud of what you have. In addition to this, we are also huge fans of the possibilities that wigs give women. This is why we do what we do and having an amazing stock of lace front wigs is just another way to do that.

Front lace wigs work wonderfully the way they are, but you can also opt to buy a monofilament (mono) lace front wig which provides clients with an even more realistic look that they will surely appreciate. Monofilament wigs are wigs that are made by hand tying each strand of hair into the crown of the wig. This allows the mono wig to be much more breathable at the crown and it also helps the wig lay flatter against the head giving it a more natural look. Coupled with lace front wigs, monofilament front lace wigs provide clients with a truly realistic wig. Many clients that try these wigs out continue to use them even after their hair has grown back in. They do this simply because of the comfort and variety that these wigs give to them.

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